With over 100,000 Christians expected to be involved, 17:21 promises to be an exciting initiative that will spread unity between different churches and Christian groups across the UK. 17:21 has brought together leading Christian festivals and conferences that are hap-pening this year. Each participating vent will read the same bible reading, prayer of commitment, a declaration of a shared life in Christ and play the same worship song. There will also be an artistic symbol of unity that will be transported to each event. 17:21 is based on the Bible verse John 17:21 ‘May they all be one that the world might believe’. With such a variety and range of well-known Christian festi-vals and conferences taking part in this significant show of unity, this offers a stunning visual representation of the bible verse in action. With 2017 mark-ing the 500th anniversary of the refor-mation, 17:21 offers Christians a chance to celebrate what unites us in Jesus and the calling to share the transforming power of the Gospel. 17:21 will launch at Spring Harvest in April and run until October 2017. Source : www.care.org |