This article was originally published in Edition (5) of Prayer Magazine, Jan-Mar 2006. ELIM PRAYER NETWORK INVOLVED IN NATIONAL PRAYER EVENT: NEC BIRMINGHAM. The third in the series of ‘TRUMPET CALL’ events was held recently at the NEC Arena, Birmingham. Thousands of believers from all parts of the U.K. came together in a powerful expression of prayer, proclamation, and worship. Reporting on the day, Alistair Cole, Chairman of the Elim Prayer Network states:- ‘SELDOM HAVE I BEEN IN A GATHERING IN WHICH THERE WAS SUCH A POWERFUL SENSE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD. LAUGHTER, TEARS, JOY, AND AT TIMES A DEEP SENSE OF BROKENESS WERE THE EMOTIONS FELT BY ALL WHO WERE PRESENT.’ Worship, prayer, and preaching were interspersed with reports of what God is doing in many parts of the U.K. in response to the prayers of His people. We were thrilled to hear of the ‘Redeeming Our Communities’ programme recently launched in the North West of England involving Christians, motivated by prayer, working closely with the Police in community transformation. It was good to see a strong representation of Elim folk, thus confirming the valuable role our Elim Prayer Network is undertaking in all that God is seeking to do in the nation in these vital days. Building upon the success of the previous three Trumpet Calls, Trumpet Call 4 is to be held on Saturday 13th May 2006, and will be the climax event of the National Prayer Week which commences the previous Sunday. The NEC Arena will once again be the venue. Whilst there is much work to be done, events such as these serve to remind us that God is moving in our nation as the Church engages more powerfully in prayer and action. Alistair Cole Chairman, Elim Prayer Network. If you like this article, why not subscribe to Prayer Magazine - Click here to Subscribe {LINK : https://www.prayermagazine.
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